Alabama Avenue SE Corridor Safety Improvement Project
Alabama Avenue SE Corridor Safety Improvement Project
The Alabama Avenue SE Corridor Safety Improvements Project provides an opportunity to conduct a thorough assessment of all traffic and safety concerns for all transportation modes along Alabama Avenue SE. The project study area extends from Martin Luther King, Jr. Avenue SE to Bowen Road SE/Ridge Road SE. The Alabama Avenue corridor was studied in 2017 and draft recommendations were developed. DDOT has implemented a number of improvements since the completion of the original study. DDOT will conduct community engagement throughout the project development process.
Purpose & Objective
The purpose of this project is to increase multi-modal safety throughout the corridor. This will be accomplished by:
- Reducing the number of serious injuries and fatalities
- Increasing safety and access for the vulnerable users
- Enhancing multimodal access
- Increasing bus reliability
- Creating a unifying vision and design for the corridor
The Alabama Avenue SE Corridor Safety Improvements Study supports the Mayor’s Vision Zero Initiative to reach zero traffic fatalities and serious injuries by the year 2024 and to create a multi-modal environment where transportation safety for pedestrians, bicyclist and vehicles is a number one priority. The Vision Zero Initiative identified Alabama Avenue SE as a high crash corridor in the District in need of significant safety improvements. The Alabama Avenue SE Corridor exhibits speeding and a significant number of pedestrian, bicycle and vehicular serious injuries and fatalities. The proposed improvements may include revised roadway geometry to reduce vehicular speeds, simplify vehicular movement, and increase safety and accessibility for all users.
Possible Design Solutions!
Possible design solutions of the project could include:
- Road diet along Alabama Avenue SE reducing the number of travel lanes from four to two, wherever possible
- Bus Priority improvement concepts
- Medians, curb extensions, refuge islands, and bulb-outs
- Green Infrastructure where possible
- Traffic Engineering improvements throughout the corridor such as signal phasing and timing, design of left and right turn pockets, and signing and striping
Potential intersection/segment focus areas include:
- @ Stanton Road SE
- From 22nd Street SE to 24th Street SE
- Irving Place SE to Irving Street SE
- Knox Place SE to 25th Street SE
- Naylor Road SE/Marian Barry Avenue SE (formerly known as Good Hope Road SE)
- Suitland Road SE/36th Street SE
- Pennsylvania Avenue SE/38th Street SE
- Bowen Road SE from Alabama Avenue SE to Ridge Road SE and intersection with Stanley Street SE
Project Quick Links
Frequently Asked Questions
The purpose of the District Department of Transportation (DDOT) Alabama Avenue SE Safety improvement Study is to improve safety, mobility, and quality of life for all users of Alabama Avenue SE.